The pumpsends the oil through the pressure gauge (optional)to the valve (with up, down, and spring return tocenter settings). The pump is powered by anelectric motor (3.5 hp, 220v, 3400 rpm). There isa pump (two-stage) that sucks oil from a reservoir(typically 5 gallons). With some prompting fromThe basics of a press are reasonably simple. A Navy study (Hoover et al.,2005)concludes “It was found that a significant fire and explosionpotential does exist under conditions typical of normalhydraulic system operations”. A quick Googlesearch turns up 200,000+ hits on “hydraulicleak+fire+explosion”. What follows here should be taken as moreof a journal rather than build instructions.of ignition (.remember that gas forge?.). One of my more elaborate (and timeconsuming) builds has been the construction of a 20-tonhydraulic press. Clinker Breaker July 2007 - 6Moving Frame Hydraulic PressSteve BloomIt’s alive (finally!).